
Walton violin concerto naxos
Walton violin concerto naxos

walton violin concerto naxos

He has performed throughout the UK, in the US, Asia and extensively in Europe as well as live and recorded appearances on BBC 1, Classic FM and BBC Radio 2, 3 and 4.Ī long-term advocate for British music, Chris was the first post-graduate from the Centre for the History of Music in Britain, the Empire and the Commonwealth (CHOMBEC) before continuing his studies at the Royal Academy of Music with Leverhulme and Elton John scholarships. Previously he has recorded with the English Chamber Orchestra, worked at the Royal Opera House and Glyndebourne Opera, with Opera de Paris, Grange Festival Opera, Royal Ballet Sinfonia, Crash Ensemble, WNO, NI Opera, HGO, Opera Holland Park, Wide Open Opera, Garsington Opera, Grange Park Opera, Opera Danube, London Mozart Players, and appeared at many festivals including Aldeburgh, Presteigne, and Latitude. Recently appointed principal conductor of the renowned English Sinfonia, he is also a frequent face at the London Coliseum: following from the success of his ENO debut conducting Iolanthe, he has since returned to conduct the Magic Flute and last year for the most recent revival of the legendary production of The Mikado (‘faultlessly conducted by the excellent Chris Hopkins’, London Theatre Reviews). Her solo recordings include Dochnanyi’s second violin concerto (ASV) Delius first and second violin sonatas and Walton sonata (EMI) and Holst Song of the Night and double violin concerto (Naxos) She was a professor at the RCM from 1995-2010 and is currently a professor at the GSMD and a Governor of the Purcell School.Įqually at home on the concert stage as in the pit, conductor and pianist Chris Hopkins is engaged on a wide range of projects across many disciplines. She has also appeared as guest leader of most of the UK’s orchestras.


Whilst Leader of BBC National Orchestra of Wales her solo appearances on radio 3 included the Britten, Neilson and Mendelssohn concertos, Mozart Sinfonia Concertante and the Lark Ascending.Īs Assistant Leader of the London Symphony Orchestra she took part in their Barbican chamber series appearing with Andre Previn and Yuri Bashmet. Her collaboration with Chris Hopkins at ENO led to her performing the Berg, Beethoven and Walton violin concertos with the Orchestra of the City in St James's Piccadilly. Notable Opera productions include Jenufa, Rosenkavelier and Lulu. She was the Gold medal winner of the LSO/Shell competition, won the string prize of the Royal Overseas League Competition and was awarded English Speaking Union and Julius Iserlis scholarships to study at Juilliard with Glenn Dicterow.įor 13 years she was Leader of the ENO orchestra and with them performed Meditation at Kenwood. Janice studied at the Purcell School and at GSMD with David Takeno. Serebrier can't disguise its shapelessness, while Koeckert isn't at ease with its moody introspection, and the piece ideally needs a darker tone than he deploys.Janice Graham has been the Leader of English Sinfonia since 1995 and was appointed Artistic Director in 2005. It dates from 1961, when Khachaturian's music had become more impressionistic and lost much of its swagger. The one-movement Concerto-Rhapsody is less striking. Nicolas Koeckert is the glamorous, devil-may-care soloist and the Royal Philharmonic is on sensuous form for José Serebrier. But the unforced optimism of the outer movements now seems unthinking when we realise it was composed at a time when Stalin was giving Prokofiev and Shostakovich hell.

walton violin concerto naxos


It's an immensely attractive work, full of his trademark Armenian folk flourishes, and the swaying, hypnotic Andante is notably beautiful. But it's also easy to see how he acquired his awkward reputation when you hear his Violin Concerto, dating from 1940. Such a view is simplistic, given that he had a major brush with the authorities in 1948.

walton violin concerto naxos

K hachaturian's popularity has dipped of late, probably because we think of him, post-glasnost, as one of Soviet music's "yes-men".

Walton violin concerto naxos